This year, we’re delighted to launch January 18th as the first ever National Day of Action for Stalking Awareness! Save the date.

Too often, the issue of stalking fades into the background. Not today. Join us to raise awareness for this prevalent and traumatic crime. Materiales también disponibles aquí en español.

On January 18, post a photo of you and/or your team sparkling against stalking! Print the sign here (or write one yourself) and consider wearing something sparkly or shiny, posing in front of a sparkly curtain, or repurposing tinsel or other sparkly décor from the holiday season. Check out these examples.

A white woman with blond hair and blue eyes, smiling slightly, wearing a dark blue and black sparkly shirt, standing in front of a white brick wall. Superimposed on the wall are the words "January 18 Day of Action for Stalking Awareness #SparkleAgainstStalking
A Black man, smiling, wearing a black shirt, standing in front of a sparkly tinsel wall and holding a sign that says "January 18 Day of Action for Stalking Awareness #SparkleAgainstStalking"
Four people standing in an office, wearing sparkly party hats and standing in front of a gray wall with white sparkly ribbon hanging. From left to right they are an Asian woman with long dark hair in a blue blazer and white shirt, a white man with short brown hair in a gray suit and white shirt, a Black woman with curly shoulder-length hair wearing a pink dress, and a white woman with short dark hair. wearing a black blazer and pink shirt.

Use the sample captions below or write your own, and print the sign here.

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  • “Peggy had a sparkling personality and would light up a room. As the stalking continued and continued, we saw that shine fade.” That’s what Debbie Riddle says about her sister, Peggy, who was murdered by her stalker 20 years ago today. This National Stalking Awareness Month, let’s bring back the sparkle — for Peggy and for all victims and survivors of stalking. Learn more @followuslegally. #SparkleAgainstStalking #NSAM2024 #NSAMDayofAction
  • Too often, the issue of stalking fades into the background. Not today. Join me as I #SparkleAgainstStalking this #NSAM2024. Stalking is a criminal, traumatic, and dangerous victimization that is all too prevalent. Survivors need our attention and support. Learn more @followuslegally #NSAMDayofAction
  • Sparkle to spark a dialogue about stalking! Learn more @followuslegally. #SparkleAgainstStalking #NSAM2024 #NSAMDayofAction


  • Too often, the issue of stalking fades into the background. Not today. Join me as I #SparkleAgainstStalking this #NSAM2024. Stalking is a criminal, traumatic, & dangerous victimization that is all too prevalent. Survivors need our support. @followuslegally #NSAMDayofAction
  • Let’s spark a dialogue about stalking! Join me as I #SparkleAgainstStalking this #NSAMDayofAction #NSAM2024. Learn more @followuslegally.