Stalking is a crime that warrants special attention by courts because victims report experiencing stalking at much higher rates than the justice system identifies it. Stalking can appear in any type of case and so judicial officers should consider stalking in all types of legal proceedings; it is particularly important to look for indicators when the parties know one another and/or there is evidence of ongoing harmful contact. Whichever type of case stalking occurs in, judicial officers are encouraged to make specific findings of fact regarding stalking and issue detailed orders designed to stop stalking behaviors, hold offenders accountable, and prevent dangerous consequences.
SPARC also provides training that is victim-centered, research informed and practice based. SPARC staff members are available to provide trainings to practitioners at the local, state and national levels. Click here for more info about our trainings.
The following resources can help judicial officers use concrete knowledge of stalking behaviors and how these behaviors relate to other crimes to be better able to identify stalking in any type of case: